Duty to Consult: 2022-2024 ISO Energy Ltd. – Mineral Exploration Program – Collins Bay Extension Project


What type of activities will occur?

1.     25 drill holes on land and ice.

2.     45km of ice road.

3.     The project is planned on being carried out by aircraft so temporary dock(s) may be required.

4.     All clearing of drill pads, heli-pads, area for the camp, etc. is going to be done utilizing hand tools. Drill pads and helipads will not exceed 30 meters by 30 meters in size and ice roads will be approximately five meters wide.

5.     One temporary work camp may be required to accommodate personnel, core storage and fuel tank placement.

6.     If land access is required, the area will be accessed from the Wollaston Post ice road or from the Rabbit Lake mine.

7.     Project work is scheduled from January 2022 through to December 2024.

 When will these activities occur (Permit Length)?

If approved, July 2021 till December 2024.

 If you have any comments or concerns, please contact your local Community Land Technician or Environmental Land Use Planner at 306-477-1251.


Duty to Consult: 2022-2024 ISO Energy Ltd. – Mineral Exploration Program – Larocque West Project


Duty to Consult: 2021-2022 IsoEnergy Ltd. – Temporary Work Camp Location Change – Geiger Project