Duty to Consult: Pegasus Pine Channel DRILL Project

Who? Pegasus Resources Inc.

Where? The Pegasus Pine Channel Project is located about 35 km east of Fond du Lac and 35 km west of Stony Rapids.

What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of up to 6 holes on land with drill pads not larger than 20 m by 20 m

• Establishment of 1 km of new trail

• Area is accessible by vehicle via Highway 905

• Clearing to be done with hand tools and a crawler

• Personnel will be accommodated at Stony Rapids

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? Work will be done over 2 weeks in September-October 2022 or during winter 2023.


Duty to Consult: Azincourt Hatchet Lake Project


Duty to Consult: 92 Energy Tower Project