Duty to Consult: 2022-2023 Mineral Exploration Permit Application for the McTavish Project

What type of activities will occur?

Proposed project work consists of a diamond drilling program, line cutting, borehole surveys, ground geophysical surveys and potentially a temporary work camp (see attached proposal for details). Cut lines will be maintained at 1.5 meters (m) in width and drill pads will occupy less than 900 m2.

 When will these activities occur (Permit Length)?

If approved, January 2022 to May 2023.

 If you have any comments or concerns, please contact your local Community Land Technician or Environmental Land Use Planner at 306-477-1251.


Duty to Consult: Mineral Exploration – CanAlaska West McArthur Project


Duty to Consult: Mineral Exploration – CanAlaska Cree East Project