Duty to Consult: UEX Exploration - Christie Lake


What type of activities will occur?

  1. 100 km of line cutting and 100 km of line refurbishment. Note: The 2019 and 2020 programs have used a less impactful method of grid preparation.

  2. 20 land and ice-based drill holes.

  3. Three creek crossings, one of which is presently in place.

 When will these activities occur?

  1. Grid preparation to occur until April 2021, geophysical survey to follow.

  2. Drilling - winter, summer, and fall 2021.

 Permit Length: If approved, February 2021 to December 31, 2023.

 If you have any comments or concerns, please contact your local Community Land Technician or Environmental Land Use Planner at 306-477-1251.


Duty to Consult: UEX Exploration - Pow Bay


Duty to Consult: UEX Exploration - Dwyer Lake