Duty to Consult: CanAlaska West McArthur Project

Who? CanAlaska Uranium

Where? The West McArthur Project is located 15 km west of the McArthur River Mine. What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of 110 holes, on land and ice, drill pads of 30 x 30 m

• Establishment of 25 km of new trails (5 m wide)

• Line cutting of 100 km (1.5 m wide)

• Refurbishment of 80 km of existing geophysics line

• Use of existing trail and ice roads

• Use of existing work camp at Seal Lake, with installation of a temporary dock

• Establishment of a laydown site to service the work camp

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? From permit issuance until December 2025


Duty to Consult: MoH 74P008 Expansion (N area) Project


Duty to Consult: IsoEnergy Geiger Project