Duty to Consult: Standard Uranium Sun Dog Project

Who? Standard Uranium Ltd.

Where? The Standard Uranium Sun Dog Project is located in the area of Johnson, Stewart, and Halifax Islands on Lake Athabasca, south of the Crackingstone Peninsula and 32 km southwest of Uranium City.

What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of up to 30 holes: 4 on land and 26 on ice

• Drill pads to be cleared with low-impact skidder

• Personnel accommodated at Indianhead Fishing Lodge on Stewart Island

• Use of seasonal ice road to access site

• Establishment of up to 500 m of new trails

NOTE: YNLR has consulted on this project area previously and identified sensitive sites.

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? January 2023 to June 2024


Duty to Consult: CanAlaska Marshall Project


Duty to Consult: UEX Horseshoe Raven Project