Community Information: SaskPower’s W3B Transmission Line

Who? SaskPower

Where? This transmission line is located near Uranium City

What type of activities will occur? SaskPower is planning to upgrade a power transmission line. The existing W3B line is aging and needs replacing. There will be several phases to this project. The first phase is to assess ground sites and suitable transmission structure types to be used along the proposed route.

The rebuild of the line will be about 15 km and placed within the existing right-of-way or within a new right-of-way.

60 holes will be drilled to test the ground. These are not uranium exploration holes. Drilling may be helicopter-supported.

Test hole locations will be near road right-of-ways but some may be outside of these and require some but minimal vegetation disturbance.

A virtual meeting will be held in Uranium City sometime in September. As this project advances it is likely that in-person meetings will be held in the future.

When will these activities occur? September 2023


Duty to Consult: Ministry of Highways Sand and Gravel Pit at KM13


Duty to Consult: UEC’s Roughrider Project