Duty to Consult: CanAlaska Laydown Site

Who? CanAlaska Uranium

Where? CanAlaska’s proposed laydown site would be located 6 km southwest of Cameco’s

McArthur River Mine.

What type of activities will occur? This is an application for a 5-year Industrial Permit for a laydown area:

• There is an existing all-weather access to the site

• This area has been used as a laydown area for the past few years

• Land users can continue to access the area and move through the storage site

• Permit may be renewed if needed

• Equipment and hazardous materials will be stored here

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? April 2023 to March 2028 (5 years)


Duty to Consult: 92 Energy’s Wormboiler Project


Duty to Consult: UEX McClean South Project