Duty to Consult: 2022-2023 Orano Canada – Waterfound Property - Mineral Exploration Permit

What type of activities will occur?

  1. Proposed project work consists of using 20 kilometers of existing trails (may require some cleaning of deadfall) to access up to 30 new drill holes (20-land & 10-ice) and to complete borehole surveys in five of the drill holes.

  2. Up to 20 km of new trails may be cleared with a low impact skidder if additional access is needed to the drill sites. Trails will be maintained at maximum of 5 meters (m) in width and drill pads will be no larger than 30 m X 30 m (900 m2).

  3. The proposed geophysical surveys may require hand cutting of up to 50 km of line cutting not exceeding 1.5 meters in width and 75 km of line slashing not exceeding one (1) meter in width.

  4. A temporary Work Camp may be required or a historic camp location may be used to accommodate personnel or personnel may be based out of Points North Landing.

  5. The project area(s) will be accessed by existing trails or by aircraft. If the project is approved, right-of-access to the area for the exercise of Rights and Traditional Uses may be restricted intermittently during three intervals through to June 30, 2023.

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? If approved, December 2021 to June 2023.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact your local Community Land Technician or Environmental Land Use Planner at 306-477-1251.


Duty to Consult Mineral Exploration Orano Canada Inc. 2021 to 2023 Close Lake Project Application Proposed Gravity Geophysical Survey & Drilling Program


Duty to Consult: Notification – Mineral ExplorationOrano Canada Inc. 2021 to 2023 Getty Russell Project ApplicationProposed Line Cutting and Ground Gravity Geophysical Surveys