Duty to Consult: 2022 Denison Mines – Bachman & Crawford Lakes Mineral Exploration Project

What type of activities will occur?

  • Drilling of up to eight (8) drill holes and up to ten (10) kilometers of drill spur trails, electromagnetic geophysical surveys of up to 51 kilometers of trail re-furbishing and a small temporary work camp at a historic camp site on Philips Lake.

  • A skidder will be used to remove snow from existing trails (Fox Lake Road) to access the work area off of Highway #905 and to establish the new spur trails if existing trails do not exist within the target drill areas.

  • Personnel will be accommodated at the Philips Lake camp site. If the project work is carried out in the summer months, the area will be accessed by helicopter and personnel will be accommodated at the Wheeler River Camp.

  • Drill pads will not exceed 20 meters by 20 meters, any new spur trails and clearing of existing trails will not exceed 5-meter width, and heli-pads will not exceed 30 meters by 30 meters.

  • Project activities are expected to take place for up to six (6) weeks for the drilling program and up to six(6) weeks for the electromagnetic geophysical surveys program between January 2022 and December 2022.    

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)?

  • If approved, January 2022 to December 2022.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact your local Community Land Technician or Environmental Land Use Planner at 306-477-1251.


Duty to Consult: Project Proposal for Vegetation Maintenance Activities Along the SaskPower 511 2L3 Distribution Line, Courtney Lake to Hidden Bay (Wollaston Lake), Saskatchewan


Duty to Consult: Denison Waterbury Lake - Mineral Exploration Permit