Duty to Consult: Fortune Bay Corp’s Proposed Project to Conduct a Drilling and Geochemical Core Sampling Program

Goldfields Overview Map.jpg

What type of activities will occur?

1. Up to 15 km of new access trails, however existing trails will be utilized wherever possible. Skidder blades will be used to clear trails and drill pads. Where required hand tools such as hand saws and motorized chain saws will be used to cut brush for access to sensitive areas. Hand Clearing will be done within 100 m of a riparian shoreline (waterbody).

2. Drilling, with up to 75 land hole locations and 47 ice hole locations (commodity: gold).

3. Ground geochemical core sampling.

4. All proposed activities will occur on dry/frozen ground conditions and all clearing within 100 metres of any waterbody will be cleared by hand.  All ‘shore holes’ will maintain a 30 metre buffer from any wetland. 

5. When constructing drill pads, clearing will not exceed an area of 900 meters squared and upon completion, all cleared trees will be spread evenly along the drill pad and access trail to allow for the areas to natural regenerate and return to pre-disturbance state. Approximately 4 hectares of surface disturbance is estimated.

6. A temporary work camp will not be required as accommodation will be located in Uranium City.

When will these activities occur?

1. Winter Program will begin in early January 2021 and end in Spring 2021.

2. Summer Program will being in June 2021 and end in Fall 2021.

3. Results driven Winter Program 2022 - January 2022.

Permit Length: If approved, November 2020 to April 2022.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact your local Community Land Technician or Environmental Land Use Planner at 306-477-1251.


Duty to Consult: ALX Resources Corp. Proposed Project to Conduct a Drilling Program, Ground-based Geophysics, Prospecting, and Outcrop/Soil Sampling


Duty to Consult: UEX West Bear Core Storage Area