Duty to Consult: UEX’s Christie Lake Project

Who? UEX Corporation

Where? The Christie Lake Project is located 10 km northeast of McArthur River

What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of 30 holes, with some on ice

• Clearing of trails: 8 km of new trails, 30 km of existing trails

• Establishment of ice roads

• 70 km of new line cutting, 70 km of refurbishment of old cut lines

• Personnel possibly housed at a temporary work camp

• UEX has been exploring this region since 2015, and YNLR has previously consulted on this project

When will these activities occur (Permit Length) January 2024 to December 2025


Duty to Consult: SaskPower’s HDD-511 Project


Duty to Consult: Baselode’s Hook Project