Duty to Consult: CanAlaska Seal Lake Camp
Who? CanAlaska Uranium
Where? CanAlaska’s existing Seal Lake Camp is located 13 km west of McArthur River Mine.
What type of activities will occur? This is an application for a 5-year Industrial Permit for
the existing Seal Lake Camp:
• There is an existing all-weather access to the site
• This area has been used as a laydown area for the past 3+ years
• Land users can continue to access the area and move by the camp
• The camp includes 14 wall tents, a kitchen, core shacks, and outhouses
• Permit may be renewed if needed
• Equipment and hazardous materials will be stored here
When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? April 2023 to March 2028 (5 years)