Duty to Consult: IsoEnergy Larocque East Project

Who? IsoEnergy Ltd.

Where? The Larocque East Project is located 40 km north of Points North.

What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of 10 holes (all on land)

• Use of existing trails

• No line-cutting or new trails cleared; drilling is helicopter-supported

• Personnel lodged at existing Larocque Lake Camp

• Work to happen during summer months

• NOTE: Ya’thi Néné has previously consulted with communities on this project. The previous consultation involved line-cutting and new trails, but no drilling. So, now they are adding drilling to their permit request.

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? June 2023 to November 2024


Duty to Consult: IsoEnergy’s Ranger Project


Duty to Consult: Denison Waterbury Project