Duty to Consult: Cameco Cigar Lake Mine Surface Lease

Who? Cameco

Where? The Cigar Lake Mine, located on the south end of Waterbury Lake, about 80 km west of the community of Wollaston Lake Post.

What type of activities will occur? This is an application to CHANGE the existing Cigar Lake Mine surface lease boundary. Specifically:

• RETURN of 378 hectares to the Crown, i.e., giving back the area in RED.

• The area in red has not been developed or disturbed.

• ACQUIRE 51 hectares, i.e., develop the area in GREEN.

• The area in green that they are asking for is currently in use by Cameco through other permits; there are already drill pads, trails, and boreholes in this area.

• The current lease is 1042 hectares. This amendment would reduce that to 715 hectares.

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? Changes effective upon approval


Engagement: Terra Uranium Parker, Pasfield, and HawkRock Projects


Duty to Consult: Azincourt Hatchet Lake Project