Duty to Consult: Azincourt Hatchet Lake Project

Who? Azincourt Energy Corporation

Where? The Azincourt Hatchet Lake Project is located about 15 km northwest of Wollaston Lake and 15 km southeast of Hatchet Lake (the lake itself).

What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of up to 26 holes, all on land, with helicopter pads of 400 m2

o Azincourt is requesting to drill within the 30-100 m shoreline buffer zone

• Establishment of up to 13 helicopter pads

• Line-cutting: 15 km of new grid lines of 1.5 m width

• Use of existing exploration roads to Lasby Lake

• Establishment of up to 12 km of snowmobile trails between Manson and North Scrimes Lake areas

• Personnel may be accommodated at 3 temporary work camps, if required

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? September 2022 - March 2024


Duty to Consult: Cameco Cigar Lake Mine Surface Lease


Duty to Consult: Cameco’s McArthur Project