Engagement: Terra Uranium Parker, Pasfield, and HawkRock Projects

Who? Terra Uranium

Where? This Terra Uranium project has three project areas, located 65 km southeast, 65 km south, and 110 km south of Black Lake. They are located 120 km northwest, 135 km northwest, and 140 km west of Wollaston Lake Post.

What type of activities will occur? Mineral exploration activities, including:

• Drilling of 90 holes, on ice and land with some near shorelines, drill pads of 30 x 30 m

• Establishment of 200 km of new trails (5 m wide)

• Clearing of existing trails

• 250 km of line cutting (1.5 m wide)

• Geophysical surveys and borehole surveys

• Use of 20 km of existing trail and 2 km of ice roads

• Establishment of a temporary work camp

When will these activities occur (Permit Length)? January 2023 to December 2025


Duty to Consult: Fission 3.0 Cree Bay Project


Duty to Consult: Cameco Cigar Lake Mine Surface Lease